
(relating to the financial year ended 31 December 2021)

MAUSER UK. Ltd. makes this statement pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which requires specific organizations that conduct business in the United Kingdom to make annual disclosures regarding their efforts to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in their business or in their supply chains.

MAUSER UK Ltd. is a subsidiary within the MAUSER PACKAGING SOLUTIONS corporate group, which has its commercial headquarters in the United States in Oak Brook, Illinois.  As a leading global provider of industrial packaging solutions for various industries, including the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food & beverage industries,  MAUSER PACKAGING SOLUTIONS is committed to complying with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including regulations governing fair employment practices.  We recognize that forced labor, child labor, domestic servitude, workplace abuse, and trafficking can take many forms.  To that end, we require the fair treatment of our employees and related third parties from commencement of and throughout all aspects of the employment relationship.  We expect our global operations to familiarize themselves and comply with local, national, and international regulations to avoid complicity, and to improve processes in our operations, supply chain, and the manufacturing of our products.

Our commitment to fair employment practices is outlined in our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (the “Code”), which defines the standards of behavior expected of all our employees with regard to ethical and respectful practices.  We require annual certification of the Code by our employees, where each employee has to acknowledge that he/she has read and agrees to comply with the Code, and we  regularly provide training on the content and application of the Code.

 We support the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and endorse the principle of the United Nations Global Compact Initiative. Our stance on human rights is codified in various policies which promote human rights standards internally and throughout MAUSER PACKAGING SOLUTIONS’ business operations worldwide. We follow a ‘zero tolerance to child labor’ policy in our business operations and do not tolerate child labor in our supply chain.

 Our Supplier Code of Conduct emphasizes that child labor, forces labor and slave labor are unacceptable, and we expect our suppliers to adhere to the principles mentioned in this policy. 

Suppliers are encouraged to implement management systems to facilitate adherence to all applicable laws and promote continuous improvement with respect to the following subjects:

  • Compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, contractual agreements and generally recognized standards (including those for quality, health, safety, environment). All required permits, licenses and registrations are obtained, maintained and reported as required.
  • Communication of these principles to their supply chain
  • Allocation of appropriate resources to fulfil these principles
  • Developing adequate documentation to demonstrate adherence to the MAUSER Supply Code of Conduct and allow MAUSER reasonable access to such documentation
  • Identifying and managing risks related to the subjects mentioned
  • Establishing appropriate training measures for employees to gain appropriate knowledge and understanding of these principles

In the event of an ethical or compliance concern, employees or related third parties are encouraged to report their concern, and have multiple mediums to do so, anonymously, if they prefer, and as permitted by law.  If violations, or potential violations, of our Code or applicable regulations are discovered, our company will work in good faith to mitigate any related action. Mitigation efforts may include disciplinary measures such as termination, discontinuation of the business relationship, and/ or, reporting misconduct to relevant government authorities.

This statement is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 section 54(1) and constitutes Mauser Packaging Solutions’ slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2021

The Board of Directors has approved this statement and the statement will be reviewed, updated and approved annually.

November 8, 2022

Michael Steubing


International Packaging

Mauser Packaging Solutions